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Abriso Jiffy COP – Internal Environmental Policy Statement

On January 13th, 2023 Abriso Jiffy and the shareholders of Sapronit closed the transaction to acquire the business of Sapronit.


With this month’s vital COP26, the fight against climate change has gained even greater momentum. And at Abriso Jiffy, we’re already playing a key role in that fight, with our long-standing commitment to working sustainably, affecting change and protecting our planet for the future.

But the role we play is hugely dependent on the actions of every one of us.

And that’s why, alongside appointing a Health, Safety & Environmental manager to take responsibility for our environmental impact across the entire business, we have a critical, company-wide environmental policy. Far more than just a policy, it’s the driving force behind our operation and the key to achieving our goals.


ABR_JFY_COP_Statement.pdf (456.66 KB)
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We protect.

So how exactly do we do what we do, sustainably?

Because we’re 100% committed to what we call our ‘circular economy’ and ‘cradle-to-cradle’ products – which basically means that none of our waste ends up in the incinerator or landfill. In fact, we have no waste. Everything is reused. And we do this in two main ways.